Firstly, a belated (official) HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, our readers!
If you were like me in the past month or so, you would have been enjoying plenty of wines at various occasions over the Christmas & New Year period.
Additionally, you may be like me in having a well-stocked wine fridge partially depleted over said period.
So, as the new year begins, with wine retailers in Singapore starting to ramp up their sales and courting your wine dollars, you are being presented with many opportunities to re-stock that fridge of yours. I have already received some e-mailers with pretty tempting offers.
Thus, begs the question: how does one buy wines in Singapore successfully?
As a wine nerd, buying wine is fun!
You go to the various bottles shops to examine their offerings, you subscribe to e-tailers’ newsletters, you may even check auction houses overseas for some truly special bottles that you may need for that upcoming milestone celebration.
Then, there are the hours spent scouring the internet (and/or other media) for more information on the seemingly wonderful deal you have been offered by retailer-X. Was it a good vintage? What does other people say about this wine? Do I buy it to keep for a few years, or drink this year?
Ah, but I do realise, the above only represent a small proportion of the wine-buying public in Singapore. Most people would just buy on recommendation (whether from friends or bottle shop assistants), or buy recognised brands. The important thing is: buy with confidence.
Confidence that the wines bought will be good for enjoying. Confidence that you are not paying too much (in the context of the local scene) for the wines.
Buying with confidence requires one to:
– know a little more of the wines being offered for sale
– know what sort of wines you’ll enjoy
– know the people selling the wines to you
I will be spending the next 2 blogposts discussing how to buy wines successfully, with a #TrueLocal focus in Singapore. Of course, these are but my own experiences and observations. I invite you to share your experiences and tips with us, and the readers, with regards to this very important topic!
Coming in next post: knowing that wine!